So I wanted to fix some things in an open source android project.
I looked it up briefly how to work with android sdk on emacs and decided that it’s going to be easier to start with Android Studio, so I

  • installed android studio to /mnt/opt (my / filesystem is almost full :sweat_smile:)
  • installed sdk
  • installed adb (sudo dnf install android-tools)
  • created plugdev group (sudo groupadd plugdev)
  • added myself to plugdev group (sudo usermod -aG plugdev $LOGNAME)

Connected my phone to my computer, turned on USB debugging and all and there was… nothing.

Then I did lsusb to see if my phone is even reconizable via usb: no.
Changed usb cable, ran lsusb again -> yes!
Ran adb devices - my device was not shown. I have Fedora, so the udev rules are not originally where they should be so I liked them:

  • copied udev rules: sudo cp /usr/share/doc/android-tools/51-android.rules /etc/udev/rules.d
  • restarted udev: sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
  • found phone on adb devices -> yeah!, but android studio still does not see it :thinking_face:
  • started android studio with sudo - still does not work
  • works only if I start Android studio with root
  • works if I do this: export ANDROID_HOME=<the Android/Sdk folder> in ~/.profile and source ~/.profile - many thanks to Yu Shen. It seems that my “non-standard” path to sdk/android studio (/mnt/opt) was in the way. But in the end it worked out 🐱.